How to Prevent Seniors from Cold and Flu

The very small diseases become serious for seniors, cold and flu should not be taken lightly for our seniors. Almost 70-80 percent of deaths are flu-related deaths or flu-related hospitalizations which happen in 65 and older age group of people. So, it is very necessary to follow guided precautions of doctors which can prevent cold and flu.
Cold and flu are infectious illnesses which can infect other people in your surrounding through viral particles by sneezes and coughs of a diagnosed patient. Touching your eyes after touching dirty objects can infect you easily. 
Though cold and flu and different from each other but their precautions are almost the same. Flu and cold effect senior people more than Youngers. Because the immune system gets weak in the older age and is not able to function well as compare to young age. In the result of cold and flu, the patient can get bronchitis and pneumonia, so it is necessary to get urgent care

Some Tips to Prevent Seniors from Cold and Flu:

1) Increase the immune system of the Body:
The immune system is really necessary for your body, it prevents viral and diseases to affect your body, to increase your immune system first you need to sleep well and eat well. You must get good sleep at night and also eat fruits and vegetables, being hydrated is important too. The immune system gets weak with the age, as you get older your immune system gets weaker and weaker. Also, keep your stress under control, it badly affects your immune system, make sure you control it well. 

2) Wash Hands Well:
As we have known since childhood that germs lie everywhere and get into contact by touching anyone, or your own eyes, nose or mouth. If you see someone sick and get any interaction with him or her, do remember to wash your hands quickly as possible. Make your habit of washing your hand often, after sneezing, cough or etc. even if you don’t see any sick person. Practice washing hands often but especially before eating anything. 

3) Be Cautious around Kids:
Kids are often closed with the seniors in the house. As the kids carry different sort of games with them and it carries germs which can spread to seniors through the toys or games. Many kids don’t have a habit of covering their mouth when sneezing or coughing or to cover their hands or wash them later. If you are not able to wash your hands often, do try to keep the distance with kids in such a situation or if they have a cold or flu. 

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